Thursday, December 28, 2006
Cute girls

Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
My count downs...
8 days til the New Year!!
20 days til I get to take off of work!!
30 days til I get to see my Mom!!!
31 days til my baby is due!!!!!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Little kids at church
Well, this past Sunday, something clicked in their tiny heads and for the first time they seemed to understand that I have a baby inside my stomach and that's why I'm so fat. With their limited vocabulary and curious faces they started asking questions as they gently patted my tummy as they all wanted to say "hi" to the baby.
cute blonde boy "that's a baby?"
cute blonde girl "my mom had a baby in her belly"
cute brown haired boy "I don't see it?"
cute blonde boy "can we see it?"
cute blonde girl "yeah! lets see it" she starts to lift my shirt
Missi "no, you can't see it yet, the babies inside my stomach and is still growing, I'll bring the baby to show you all when he's big enough to come out of my tummy"
During snack time all the kids were quietly munching on their crackers when cute blonde boy decided my baby should have a snack too.
Cute blonde boy:"Missi! feed your baby!"
all the kids turned to look at me as I picked up a cracker and started eating
cute blonde boy: "No! feed your baby!!"
I started laughing as I tried to explain to these 2 and 3 year olds that by me eating the food the baby gets to eat too. I think they were all waiting for me to stick the cracker in my belly button or something.
They all got excited when they could actually see the baby kick from inside of me, and found it very exciting to try and push on my belly to make the baby "dance" agian.
Needless to say it was a very interesting class on sunday. Our bible story was about Mary having baby Jesus...I told the kids that Mary looked a lot like me and they all thought that was very funny:)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Cutting down our Christmas Tree
I was speechless! It didn't take any effort at all! My big muscle man *flittering eyes*
At any rate...I wish I had brought my camecorder with me to docoment the exciting occasion, but alas...it didn't cross my mind til later. Still without a regular camera I'm afraid I'll have to wait til after Christmas to post pictures of our adorable home. Everything looks lovely and I'm totally in the mood for Christmas now.
Hmm...I think I shall wrap more presents today!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Its a quiet day
Last night there was a Christmas Party for JB's work. It was fun to go out and chat with lots of people and eat yummy food. It makes me wish I had the space and energy to throw a fun Christmas party for all my friends. Maybe next year we'll do that:)
The weather lady says today is suppose to be our one sunny day for the week...haven't seen that sun yet, I hope it does peak out later.
Only 49 days left til I'm at the end of my pregnancy, woohoo!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Random info on my life
I love parties, I love presents and I love being the center of attention. So, needless to say, I had a BLAST at my party. I got more items then I ever dreamed of owning for this child and I am now at a loss for where to store everything I have gotten.
J rearranged a lot of his boxes that we have in our closests/storage and got rid of lots of stuff that he no longer needs/uses. That cleared up some space for me to store some blankets and big baby items, but I'm still finding myself at a loss for properly organizing everything we now own. I am thinking I need to take a trip to the "container store" and buy some things to help me be more organized. Now doesn't that sound like fun?
Yesterday, at church, I was given even more items for my baby including a little baby bath tub.
Most all the ladies at my shower think that I'll be having a baby boy, and some even went as far as to just buy me some baby boy clothes:) lol!
I went and saw "The Nativity" with some friends last night. If I were directing the film it would definatly be more dramatic then what I saw on screen. The nativity story is so powerful and so amazing, in my mind I had imagine many of the scenes going very different then how they were presented in the film (i.e. the angel coming to mary...the angel coming to the shepards, etc). While I'm being a film critic, I'll also add that if I were the one casting the film I'd also find a Mary who had more of a personality (or at least more then two facial expressions) and didn't look so sober all the time. However, overall it was a good film and I did liked it.
I guess I will end with that. It's raining today:)
Friday, December 01, 2006
New Coat

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Bad sense of direction

Today has just been crazy with the kicking and pushing. One moment the baby is pushing on one side of my belly, the next second the other. I swear the baby is trying to push it's self out! Either that or the baby is trying to make more room and is stretching out the walls of my insides! AH! One of these days I'm just gonna just explode...you watch:-)
My to do list for Tuesday a.m.:
Take a super long shower or bubble bath...check
Stare out the window and look at the pretty snow...check
Talk to my belly in a baby voice and see how the little guy/girl is doin'...check
Sit at my desk and work...oh, riiiggghhhhttt...check
Take a break for workout video...check
Make cookies to snack on later...hmmm, not yet:)
It's so much fun being pregnant!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thinking outside the bun
Ok, now how many of you have ever been to the Taco Bell website? I didn't think as many of you had either. Well, today is your lucky day, because I went to the Taco Bell website and was pleased to find it had more then just info on food...it has funny little movie clips from floating packets of sauce. I know, cool right? Check it out! It brought a half smile to my face, and I know it will do the same for you!
With love,
A girl who is really wanting some Taco Bell for lunch
Monday, November 20, 2006
A poem and ramblings
Up in the sky from God to me?
I can't believe the sun came thru
My sweetest dream is coming true!
I can take the rain when mixed with sun
I'd gather so could any one
But for a Monday, which no one likes
A sunny sky helps bring delights!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The world's best baby pictures
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My first fall

Monday, November 13, 2006
Me holding a baby

Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
More baby pictures of my nephew CJ
10 random bits of info on Missi and her life
2. My midwife says my pregnancy is going perfectly
3. Jonathan looks great in a new pair of pants I bought him
4. It stopped raining after weeks and weeks of down pour
5. The movie "Gentleman prefer blondes" always makes me laugh
6. I bought a bunch of new picture frames
7. A friend gave me a bunch of baby toys
8. All I want is to eat chocolate and sweets all the time!
9. I'm thinking about cutting my hair...again:)
10. Only 46 days left until Christmas!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
A few Pictures of baby CJ!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Christopher Randall Ridley
Born: November 2nd, 2006
Weight: 8lbs 3oz
Length: 19in
I'm sure pictures will be following soon....on Nic's blog!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I'm gonna be an Aunt again!
I'm so excited, Nic is gonna have her baby for sure this week!! I can't wait! I can't wait! click here to go to Nic's Site
We all must pray for her that everything goes well, and for little CJ too!
Monday, October 30, 2006
We carved our pumpkin this weekend!
I actually made a dorky little video of our pumpkin carving time you can check it out on "You Tube": Check it Out
In other news I am sure I saw Jeff Daniels twin at our bus stop this morning, JB bought me orange gerbar daisies in honor of fall and today is a beautiful day!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Getting Organized

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Babies getting bigger
I had a lovely little Dr.'s appointment yesterday, I'm starting into my third trimester now and I'm measuring the same amount of centimeters as I am weeks along ( so 28 weeks, 28 cm).
The only thing I have found discounserting recently is the fact that the baby seems to think my belly is a punching bag. Does anyone remember my freaking out post about the fact I hadn't felt the baby move yet and I really, really wanted to? Well, I'm feeling the baby now! *BAM* with its left foot *BAM* with its right. I swear the baby is dancing inside me or finding it a fun activity to hit one side of my belly and then push itself to the other side and hit me hard there as well. Its kind of fun in some ways, but sometimes, if the baby is super active right after I eat. EK! Upset stomach here I come!
At any rate, the baby is getting bigger and so is my belly. I know January isn't that far off...but I do hope it comes quickly!
Monday, October 23, 2006
For the love of chapstick
I bought chapstick a few months ago and its still going strong. I find myself putting it on 6 or 7 times a day and then at night, after I've been laying in bed for like 20 minutes, I often get up to go grab more chapstick to wear while I sleep. This is a very odd thing I think, why do I do this? I think its because without even knowing it, I must sleep with my mouth open, so the breathing dries out my lips. And who wants dried out lips? Not I.
That being said I spoke with a women yesterday who desperatly needed chapstick, she needed it so badly I reached my hand into my purse, grabed out my chapstick, and then I realized it would be terribly rude and unfeeling for me to offer her some chapstick. So even though I was already wearing lipstick...I put chapstick on my lips. Had I been thinking clearly I could have been like "oh, hey, you want some?" but on a better thinking note, do I really want her lip germs on my chapstick? Hmm...
Soon my chapstick will be all gone, I'll miss it for a few days but then I'll forget I ever needed it so badly in my life, and I'll most likely go six months without buying more chapstick. Then I'll call my mom and I'll say "mom, my lips are dry all the time, what should I do?" and she will very practically tell me to "drink more water" duh? Why is it water is usually the solution to everything. Its the solution for all beauty issues (skin, hair, nails, tongue), weight loss, what to order at a resturant when you aren't sure what drink to order...pretty much it answers all the worlds problems. I love water, and its free. Why don't I just drink more water and forget chapstick all together? I'll tell you why? Because deep down, I love chapstick. I always have and I always will:)
Friday, October 20, 2006
Short People are people too!
1. People always think you are "cuter" then you really are
2. No one expects you to be able to lift heavy things
3. Guys tend to think they are really tall when they are around you...so you generally have a lot of guy friends
4. You can always try on "display" shoes at the mall without waiting for a service rep
5. You don't have to duck your head when you take walks and you pass under low hanging branches
6. Your age is usually a mystery until you reach like 45, people always guess you as younger
7. You always find the best hidding places when you play "hide and seek"
8. No one can every fit into your clothes, so you never have to be emberressed if someone needs to borrow clothes and you don't have any that are clean
9. Your easily passed over in a crowd so if you are trying to ignore someone...they usually can't see you anyway:)
10. You always have something to complain about when you need to, because, of course, everyone wants to be "tall" even if secretly we all know everyone wishes they were short.
But something that isn't so hot about being short...is the fact that Costco discriminates against short people. I have no problems with people thinking they don't like short people, but when they actually create technology which outwardly shows their disdain...that, that I have problems with.
Let me explain. Last year, when I got my first Costco card, I stood on the little sticker feet infront of the blue screen and smiled my big, honkin' smile. When they printed out the card...my CHIN WAS CUT OFF!! You could barely see my head! It was like...my mouth and up! I made some comment about the fact my whole head wasn't in the shot, but the lady just shrugged and said that was the best she could do.
So this year, I go to get my new card and I assume last years drama was just because of a bad photographer. But nope! You don't even see my neck, its just like "head". Hello? JB got like his shirt collar in his picture! How come mine is like this pasted on head in the tiny box? Just because I'm short, why can't they lower the camera? Or give me a box for Pete's sake.
What is a short girl gonna do? Sue them? Maybe that's what I should do. Not exactly a Christian response, but definatly I'd get my point across that short people are people too!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
It's an Appendix!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Open Season
Anyway, what was so bad about it was, it seemed to be the one part in the movie that the kids didn't find all that funny, so here I am laughing like a crazy lady and no one else is!!
A troll and a magic rainbow tree...hahahaa....
Man, the days around these parts sure have been amazing huh? Beautiful weather, beautiful skies. Nice, very nice. My family back home has snow...huh.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

humpf. The last time I got pulled over it was a nice cop. He was nice and sweet, and didn't give me a ticket (cause I hadn't done anything really wrong, he was just bored). But this one... he was NASTY! He was MR. NASTY.
Oh well. At least I know when to go snail pace slow near that particular school zone, gotta protect those little children.
The no longer a perfect driver,
Monday, October 09, 2006
Day Off
Its such a beautiful day though, I think I shall go for a walk, or at least go outside for a bit:)
Friday, October 06, 2006
Pictures from our visit with the Bechtles
At the park after church.
JB and Me in Seattle
Profile of my baby belly back the end of August

My brother
Yesterday was beautiful, and I just so happened to have the day off of work. So I took him to our local Farmers Market (http://www.farmers-market.org/) and we bought fresh fruit, veggies and some meat. Yum:)
He brought me a sewing machine from my Mom. Its a cool sewing machine, it has a computer type screen on it and lots of buttons. I don't know a thing about sewing machines, so it ought to be interesting learning to use it. Mom says it needs a "tune up" but other then that, its a "Great" machine. A tune up huh? Sounds like a car now doesn't it. It even comes with a peddle, I wonder how fast I can get this thing to go:)
Here is a random picture of Me, my sis and my friend. This was taken like a year ago, we are in our kick butt stance, as we were about to beat up some "bad guys". Frankly, I'd say we are pretty good, we'd put those "Charlie Angel" characters to shame, that's for sure.

Ok, so Mrs. Random is gonna get back to what she was doing before. Peace out
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
So I dreamed...
I love having dreams that come true:)
Monday, October 02, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
The bus stop
There is a bus stop across from where I sit, and try as I might to remain focused at work, often I am drawn towards the people who wait there and I can’t help but wonder, “What is their story?”
I have thought about creating a journal of made up stories about the “Bus Stop” and peoples lives, created merely by looking at their outward appearance. I think a lot can be said about a person by the way they wait for a bus. Its fun to see the guys in their dress clothes and brief cases, nervously looking for the bus and checking their watches, while the bum like characters some how find the mound of grass behind the stop to be a perfect resting place for a short nap while they wait. There is the girl who some how always seems to be cold, constantly pulling her sweater or jacket tighter around her body with her arms crossed the whole time, and then the big ladies who can’t seem to stand still and always have a drink or bagel in their hands.
Today’s favorite was some guy who must be mentally instable, extremely happy, or madly in love. The bus stop pole must have seemed more like a light post to him as he seemed to be reenacting the scene from “Singing in the Rain” when Gene Kelly is dancing around the street light. I couldn’t hear if he was singing, but his mouth was moving…so perhaps…just perhaps, he was. I couldn’t help but die laughing as he grabbed the pole and tried to swing himself around it. Then shoving his hands in his pockets, he kind of did a tap dance around it and then stood relatively still on the sidewalk swaying back and forth.
I love that silly bus stop. It offers more entertainment and mindless thought then I could ever hope to see out my work windowJ When I am sad or depressed I can usually wait for a few buses to come and go, and eventually, I get some crazy, goofy, silly, or happy person waiting at that stop who is able to bring a smile to my face. I wish I knew what their stories really are. I mean, what brought them to that bus stop to begin with? How come they don’t have a car? Or…how come they choose to not drive their car? And why is the man always late? The bum always tired? The girl always cold? And how come the fat lady never brings me anything to drink? I guess I will never know…
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Fall Cookies

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I know it is good to drink lots of water, its healthy, and good and healthy. But, gosh...why can't one or two glasses of water be enough to keep our tongues pink and our lips from being chapped? I just don't understand!!?!?!!?!?
no need to answer...I "know" the reason why we must drink lots and lots of water. I'm just kind of bored with water right now.
My thoughts on water in general: I am glad we live near water, I love the fact there is a harbor within walking distance of my home. *sigh* Some day I shall have a boat and I will invite my friends on my boat with me and we will have cheese and wine...er...maybe just cheese. I am sure I could throw some olives in there somewhere.
My thoughts on food: I love food!
Monday, September 25, 2006
blink. blink.
tissues? Anyone?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Its raining its pouring...
*sigh* I'm so happy:)
Monday, September 18, 2006
Seahawks 21, Cardinals 10
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Baby "B"

*from the babies brain* "Whatever Mommy, I can't believe you are posting my ultrasound pictures on your blog. I mean, come on, does privacy mean anything to anyone any more? *sigh* Dude, I think I'll practice my guiter fingering moves now. Sure mom, you can think I'm just showing off my good lookin' profile if you want...peace out"
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Can my family be any cutier?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Cravings anyone?
I am sure I am wrong, since many stories seem to prove otherwise...but what if I'm not?
What are your cravings? Some of your favorite snacks that you just "need" to have sometimes?
Mine: Chips and dip, pickles, yummy chocolate cake or donuts!
Your turn:
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11th
of our biggest buildings, but they cannot
touch the foundation of America.
These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent
the steel of American resolve.
America was targeted for attack because
we are the brightest beacon for freedom
and opportunity in the world.
And no one will keep that light from shining. "
~President George W. Bush
September 11, 2001
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Our crib Adventure
Well, last night J tells me we are gonna rent the truck to pick up the crib. I, of course, had to come with him. When we got to Home Depot and walked up to the truck, I was shocked. This puppy was HUGE!!! I don't know what I was excepting, but not something this massive.

Here, do you see me in the picture? I drew a stick figure so you could see the difference with the size of the truck and the size of me.
The thing (truck) must not have had any shocks either, cause we bounced and jerk all the way to the store. I told J, if I were 9 months along already, the ride in the truck would most certainly send me into labor. And how bad would that be? Having your baby in a Home Depot rental? Hello? That would be awful! Lucky for me I just finished reading the section in my "What to Expect when your Expecting book" about emergancy deliveries in cars...not that I'm ready to have the baby or anything, but you never know;)
Ok, so back to the story. So, we drive the massive truck to the store, get the crib, drive back, carry the crib box up our stairs and then J went to return the truck while I passed out on the sofa resting after all that work:)
Needless, to say it was quite the adventure for the evening. Lucky for me I have a brillant husband who was able to set the crib up in no time...and it looks great!
Now, its time to decorate the babies room! Woohoo!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Anyway, ever since I have lived here, near Seattle, I have told the love of my life that I want to go to an Aquarium...so, he took me!
Check it out, J on the ferry going into Seattle

My nose stuck in the pic of the fat seal creatures...they aren't normal seals, I forget what they were called. The seals and the otters were the best though!
J hangin with the Jellies
While J played with the Jellies, I took a ride on the back of killer whale. Righteous;)
Here is J with the Octopus, can you see it's eye? We also got to touch massive star fish...very gross, super cool.
This is me seeing how I measure up next to a shark. I think the shark wins.
It was fun, I had a blast. If your ever bored and in Seattle you should check out the fishes! And then you can go and eat some, cause yummy resturants are everywhere!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I'm wearing red lipstick
To match my red shirt
I styled my hair
And I swept up some dirt
I threw clothes in the laundry
To get them all clean
And finished my work
So my boss won't get mean
I've eaten my veggies
And ice-cream real fast
I've watered my lawn
To gain me green grass
My day is not over,
there's more things to do
But the stuff I must finish
Will stay hidden from you :-)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
All about me and the baby

And while I am feeling very strong and healthy...

I can't help but worry about things and get that feeling of...oh, I don't know, being anxious I guess. I mean, they say my baby is about 5 and 1/2 inches long right now or "the size of a small sweet potato"
Hello? Mr. Potato baby? How come I haven't felt you yet? Are you just a comfy little calm potato? Are you gonna take after you daddy? Or will you be a HOT Potato like me!? Hee, hee.
I know I am getting ahead of myself. Most moms don't feel their babies move until "18-20 weeks" so I'm sure it will be any day now. :-) But, but!! I'm so impatient!!
I also want to get super cute maternity clothes now! That is a must for me, I think. I want to find a cute little dress to show of my new belly bump, and maybe some cute flats...and make-up...I LOVE make-up...and earrings. Ahem.
They also say, at 18 weeks, that my babies hearing is being developed. This being the case, I have created a "baby mix" on iTunes, for baby "B" to listen to while I work. I think "B" likes the songs, at least it keeps me happy:-)
On a workout note, J and I went speed walking last night. Have you tried to walk fast while pregnant before? It is very hard, but actually made me feel really good. We should do more of that. Though I don't know if J considered it speed walking, he has stinkin' long legs compared to mine. It was more like...normal walking I think for him.
Oh well. I guess that is all I have to say. I hope to buy baby stuff this weekend, as my MIL (Mother-In-Law) will be in town. I have heard what a wonderful shopper she is and I can't wait to go shopping with her! I love shopping!
I also love donuts. I have not had a donut since my last post on donuts and I miss my donuts. They need me and I. Need. THEM!!!